Tips from Foundation Repair Contractors
If you are repairing your own concrete slabs or issues at home at your residence then you might want a few tips of advice from some professional foundation repair contractors. Here are a few things that might help you troubleshoot issues that you come across during your repair process.
If you come across a situation where the ground isn’t pumping inside of the hole or is just squirts right back out there is a fix. Foundation repair contractors recommend that you actually blow out the hole and force air inside of it. You can also drill deeper into the sub base of the concrete slab. This should fix the problem of the grout not pumping inside of the hole. It is common to have to drill the hole deeper.
It is common to see that new cracks are forming when you are trying to repair concrete. You also might see the older cracks getting larger during the process. Foundation repair contractors see this issue regularly. When this type of thing occurs you want to look at the technique you are using. You might be pumping too much grout into the hole or be using grout that is not soft enough. It is also common for someone to be pumping grout into holes in the wrong sequential order. Keep in mind that when you pump grout into a hole you should not lift a slab more than an inch high.
Another common problem that foundation repair contractors find is that the concrete slabs bind against the concrete and it will not rise from the ground. When this occurs the grout could be actually going under another slab that is adjoining the one you are working on. This means you need to use a thicker grout. Binding can be relieved by chipping the edge of the concrete slab or sawing entirely through the slab. Always ensure the cracks of the concrete are clean before you get started pumping the grout into the holes.
Foundation repair contractors come across many issues when they are repairing concrete. If you are repairing cracks and holes on your own and come across problems that you need to troubleshoot, use these tips to help you get through them for the best repair.